8 Days Nyakalengija Rwenzori Mountains Hike

8 Days Nyakalengija Rwenzori Mountains Hike

Mountain Rwenzori National Park Safari

For hikers on Uganda safaris, this 8 Day Rwenzori Mountains Hiking Trip is always the best for them to book. The Margherita peak, which rises to a height of 5109 meters above sea level in the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, is the highest peak in the Rwenzori mountain ranges. Hikers can reach the peak of Margherita on the 8-day route hike’s central circuit. Uganda hiking safaris demand advance planning, including reservations, porter costs, and bringing the appropriate clothing and footwear. The climb is a wonderful opportunity for picturesque views in a fantastical environment, as well as the chance to see some endemic bird species and lovely floral species.

Detailed Itinerary


Day 1: Start of hike from Nyakalengija to Nyabitaba Hut (2651m.

The central circuit hike begins at the Rwenzori Mountaineering Services offices in Nyakalengija on the first day of your hiking vacation. To give yourself enough time to meet your guides and porters and hire equipment, it is advised to arrive very early. The trail leaves Nyakalengija and travels through farmland until it reaches the park’s border. From there, it follows the Mubuku River and crosses its Mahoma tributary before beginning a protracted, difficult ascent up a large mountain to reach Nyabitaba hut. Depending on the hiker’s pace, it takes between 5 and 6 hours to travel from Nyakalengija to Nyabitaba. Fortunately, during this initial path trek, chimpanzees could be heard and other primates, including the blue and white colobus monkey and Rwenzori Turaco, could be seen.


Nyabitaba hut.


Day 2: Hike from Nyabitaba (2651m) to John Matte Hut (3380m).

From Nyabitaba hut, the hike continues as you follow the trail that drops down through the forest to the Kurt Shafer Bridge, just below the confluence of the Mubuku and Bujuku rivers. The hike continues, passing through the bamboo forest, a long and exhausting stretch of slippery moss-covered rock. From the Nyamileju rock shelter, the peaks of Mount Stanley and Mount Speke can be seen. The trail passes through the zone of the giant heather, lobelia and groundsel through the tiring bog, finally reaching John Matte Hut.


John Matte hut.


Day 3: Hike from John Matte (3380m) to Bujuku (3962m).

The trail descends from John Matte Hut in the morning to bridge the Bujuku River and enter Lower Bigo Bog, which is home to enormous lobelias. You finally cross the bog by leaping from tussock to tussock while perhaps sampling some of the icy sludge below with your feet. Bujuku Lake, with views of Mt. Baker to the south and Mt. Stanley to the west, emerges from the Upper Bigo swamp. Then, in a small valley below Stuhlmann Pass, in the shadow of Mount Baker and Mount Speke, you reach Bujuku Hut.


Bujuku hut.


Day 4: Hike from Bujuku (3977m) to Elena Hut (4541m).

You depart from Bujuku Hut in the morning, continuing on the track through more bog as it climbs to the steep slopes west of the lake and through the enchanted Groundsel Gully to Scott-Elliot Pass at 4372m. A metal ladder at the gully’s entrance aids in getting you over a steep stretch before the route splits in two. On a steep trail that crosses significant boulders, the trail on your right ascends to Elena Hut and Mount Stanley.

Day 5: Hike from Elena Hut (4541m) to Margherita peak then Kitandara hut (4027m).

From Elena Hut, you can trek to Margherita Peak (5109m), then to the Stanley Glacier’s base. The ascent to the peak is a challenging climb that crosses three glaciers, slick rock, ice, and open regions that are exposed on all sides. Technical climbers and physical stamina are needed for the hike to the peak. You cross the Stanley Plateau by ascending on the glaciers and continue upward. Rush to the top of Margherita, the highest mountain of the Rwenzoris (5109m), while adjusting to the fog, altitude sickness, and chilly weather. Pass via the Scott-Elliot pass to descend, enjoying the breathtaking views of Mount Speke, Bujuku Lake, Mount Stanley, and the Kitandara Lakes. After the trail that takes you through an area of sparse vegetation and rough boulders in the mountains, descend past the Kitandara Lakes to reach the Kitandara Hut for dinner and an overnight stay.


Kitandara hut.


Day 6: Descend from Kitandara hut (4027m) to Fresh field Pass (4282m) then Guy Yeoman (3450m).

The following morning, leave Kitandara Hut and follow the track that leads to Fresh Field Pass by ascending rapidly up the headwall that spreads out from Mount Baker’s base. Views of Mount Stanley in the north and the west of the Congo are also visible from this location. Take the long trail via Bujongolo, the base camp for the famous expedition led by the Duke of Abruzzi in 1906, as you descend from the pass.


Guy Yeoman.


Day 7: Descend from Guy Yeoman (3450m) to Nyabitaba (2651m).

The descent to Nyabitaba on your descent trek requires an early start. The trail traverses the Kichuchu cliffs beneath Guy Yeoman. After Kichuchu, the muddy trail twice traverses the Mubuku River before gaining elevation to reach Nyabitaba, where the circuit is completed.


Nyabitaba hut.


Day 8: Descend from Nyabitaba (2651m) to Nyakalengija (1615m) hike start point.

On your final day of hiking in Uganda, you finally make your way from Nyabitaba hut to Nyakalengji point. You finish the central circuit climb to Uganda’s highest point by returning to the hike’s starting location.

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The package includes.

English-speaking guide.

The package excludes.

Alcoholic drinks.
Entry visas.
International flights.